Sunday 16 September 2012

Application letter

Zhu Wuzhong
Phone Number
Email Address


(Receiver’s contact infomations)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to apply for NUS overseas college programme 2013-2014.

Apart from fulfilling the listed requirements, I am ordinary.
I graduated from Ghim Moh Secondary school, and then finished my A-level in Jurong Junior college. After two years of national service as combat signaler, in 2011 I enrolled into National University of Singapore to study Computer and Electrical engineering. I am currently a year 2 student .By june I will have the required 80 MCs to participate in this program. I am not good at math and physics, but I love programming and building circuits. My CAP is 3.5 for now. Currently I am not involved in any CCA or student society.

My entrepreneurial aspiration is to create smart shops/homes, ideally require minimum man power to operate.
Compare with starting up companies in university years, I prefer to acquire sufficient knowledge before making my own business. I worked as sushi chef for UmiSushi in 2011 summer and sales assistant for NET fashion in 2012 summer. These experiences give me well insights of food and beverage as well as retail industry. By participating NOC programme, I hope to learn entrepreneur knowledge which I thought only can be learned after graduation. That is important to me because by talking to seniors and formal participants I learned that NOC is a once in lifetime opportunity to develop entrepreneur ability. I may learn the knowledge I want quickly, much quicker than any other form of education. That is the reason I know I am not outstanding, yet still taking courage to write this letter.

Following are the reasons for me to believe that I am suitable for this programme.
I am able to adopt into new environment quickly. I am from china Fujian province. I came to Singapore by the age of 15. I have 8 years of overseas study experience, and handled it very well.
By playing different roles as a student, waiter, soldier, chef, sales assistant, project group member etc, I was exposed to thousands of people literally. I have well trained communication skill and interpersonal skills. I got along with different kind of people easily, probably because I am normal as everyone else.
I participate in different projects in NUS, software engineering as well as hardware engineering. I think being a CEG student gives me the advantage that I have both electrical and computer engineering back ground. Companies may need student like me whom has relatively specialistic knowledge in both fields. I am NUS trained for C++ programming, electrical engineering, circuit programming, micro controller programming, C# programming as well as communication skill. The companies may assume that I have sufficient knowledge in these fields.
I am proficient in English and Mandarin.
I am normal. I think this programme may want to include some people like me rather than having a cohort of genius, presidents and vice-presidents. This programme is meant to build entrepreneurs, people like me may be a different test sample, or control group. (just kidding) I am ordinary, but I do satisfy the requirement “strong entrepreneur aspiration”.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to speaking with you.

I can be reached via email at or 65-xXXXXX.

Yours faithfully

Zhu Wuzhong

Sunday 9 September 2012

Resolving interpersonal conflicts.

Last week, my lab partner A told me a story about himself.
Last semester, A was in a project group with other 3 classmates. One of his group mates B did not participate actively while doing project. He used excuses to delay his submission frequently. As a team, that affected everyone else’s plan. So B was given a lot of pressure.
As the due date getting closer, A got more and more anxious because their project was extremely lagged. A tried to push B to perform better, but B seemed not giving any positive response. One day they had a big quarrel after A accused B for missing group meeting again. B said A did not understand his situation (B was trying to switch course because studying engineering was too stressful for him). The workload assigned to him was too much and he already tried his best.
A did not told me the rest of the story. Luckily, they submitted the project on time at the end, but I can tell that A was still angry at B.

I use this story as an example because I think most of us may have similar experience as a university student. There are a few reasons contributing to this conflict. The first one is both A and B were in a very stressful state. A was pressured because of the due date. B was pressured by A. Therefore the conflict outbroke easily. The second reason is they did not understand each other’s position. When B could not submit his work on time, instead of helping him with his work, the rest of his group mates added more pressure on B. They did not know that B was actually putting in the same amount of effort (or maybe more). The third reason is B did not sound out when he noticed he could not finish the work on time. He affected the whole team because of his self-esteem. That was very selfish.
To solve an interpersonal conflict, staying calm is the first thing we should do. Communication and sense of sympathy are the keys we should use. If I were A, I would ask B whether he needed any help with his work rather than assuming he was too lazy to finish it arbitrarily. If I were B, I would ask for help when I knew I would not finish on time.
For anyone who is reading this post, do you have any similar experience? Were you A or B? What will/did you do in this situation?
 Sorry for the long post.I tried to make it shorter,but the idea was not properly expressed.
Always stay cool.peace.

not cool. cool.